Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tues Oct 26th

Hi All,

Well Halloween is fast approaching. I have sent a note home regarding the Halloween the party on Friday. I am asking for healthy snacks only. Thank you for all who have already told me what they would be sending with their child. The students will be dressing up after lunch and we will be having the party in the afternoon. With a video chosen by the students.

We have another busy week. On Friday in the morning, it will be a normal school morning. We have two tests on Friday: October word wall and a health quiz on sugar.

Also PICTURE RETAKES are tomorrow---> WED!!

Next week we will be having a unit science test for both grade 4 and 5.

I am sending home with the grade 4 students the PAT results from last year. They are individually addressed.

Have a great week and Happy Halloween...please be safe!

Mrs. Denman

1 comment:

  1. What day will the Unit test for Science be on? My son did not bring home his agenda or Science this weekend. (Gr.5)
